A Travellerspoint blog


3 days in Mancora

sunny 34 °C
View south america on becs and terry's travel map.

So we left Montanita - getting the bus via Guayaquil - which has a bus terminal bigger than most airports!!
got an overnight bus for our 9hour hour journey accross the boarders into peru.

Despite what we had heard - the boarder crossings were fine, just get off the bus twice to have our passports stamped. Arriving in Mancora at 4am, we were lucky to have done a bit of homework and knew the hostel to wanted to stay at - as men were hasselling us, obviously on commission to get guests to their hostels.

Hostel Loki Del Mar was probably the best decision i have ever made at 4 o'clock in the morning..!!!!

view from our room...
Beautiful Mancora
main street..
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3 days of sun, sea and relaxing by the pool... was difficult to leave!
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oh my goodness why have we never been introduced to 'peer pong' before now?? brilliant game, and i cant wait to introduce to to the girls!!
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After what felt like a stay in a holiday resort - we managed to check out of Loki Del Mar and head for another overnight bus south to Trujillo.

Posted by becs and terry 09:04 Archived in Peru

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Hola amigos! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your first few blog entries whilst the rain is lashing down outside my window! Sounds like you are having a wicked time and I will look forward to catching up again in Peru and wishing I was there with you!
Look after each other.
Muchos love from the Leeks xxx

by LeekyLaura

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