A Travellerspoint blog


Good Steak!!

sunny 22 °C
View south america on becs and terry's travel map.

We crossed the border from Chile to Argentina on another bus!! The long bus ride gave us time to chat to other tourists and we managed to pick up 2 other travellers who followed us to our hostel when we arrived in Salta (Dave and Karen, ironically both from East London but didnt know each other).
Arriving in Salta we were starving so after checking into the hostel we were recommended a good steak place. Amazing!! Terry was in 7th heaven!! The Steaks were enormous and so tender! And the wine was good too :)

Salta had a variety of activities to do - but as we are now experienced travellers (ha ha ) we keep finding we have done most of the things in other countries (horse riding, swing diving, trekking etc).
So we took a few days to explore the town......
S7000277.jpg salta_1_.jpg

and check out the sights from a carry cable..
The carry cable gave a fantastic view of the city. We explored the top of the hill to find waterfalls......

walking paths, cafes and a gym........ yes in the midday sun people were walking to the top of the mountain to work out - madness!!! i guess you have a good view to take your mind off your burning legs in your spinning class!!
After splashing out on steak the night before we decided to eat 'Karen style' and she led us to a local market where we joined the locals for their traditional dishes such as empladas, undercooked pizza and suet pudding wrapped in corn leaves! - was different and very cheap!!

Posted by becs and terry 18:55 Archived in Argentina

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