Quito 2
Mita Del Mundo (middle of the earth)
28 °C
south america
on becs and terry's travel map.
Our frst taste of local transport....As the bus pulls into the stop its packed and its just like being at home on the tube buit I'm feeling a little cautious because of stories we've heard about pickpockets and getting your bag dipped of snatched. Mind you I fancy my chances cos most of the people on the bus were short.. haha.
Middle of the earth - the fake one.... We get there but this place is the tourist one and there is another place with the proper Equator.
walking along the equator...
After having a wonder around and getting some great snaps we sat down for lunch. A burger with chips and a coke for 2 dollars. Oh yes thats a bit of me (terry). The burger came out a little too lively and was wrapped in a mini plastic bag I thought WHAT.. LEAVE OFF.. But me being me I ate it anyway and it wasn't that bad.. Then we got some ice-cream good old Mr Whippy.
Now it was time to find the proper Equator line.....
We found it and when you paid your money you got a tour guide which was interesting. I trid balancing the egg but with my shakes not a chance but then a girl in our group managed it so I took a snap of it..
A clock using the sun for the time:
Posted by becs and terry 16:23 Archived in Ecuador